February 24, 2010

THS Class Reunion

I thought I would give you a sneak peek at the collateral I'm working on for the Tahlequah High School Class of 2000's 10 Year Reunion. {Trying saying that 5 times fast}.

I have already had such a fun time on this project. When Tracie first contacted me, my heart skipped a beat ... or two ... has it really been 10 years since 2000? Someone press the slow-mo button please.

If you're part of the THS Class of '00, mark your calendars! The date has been set! Your Reunion will be July 23rd-July25th. And I hear you're in for a good time in the 'Quah.

I'm also an alum of THS so this project is near and dear to my heart. It's fun to pull out the old Tiger print and corny phrases we used in high school. I feel like I'm preparing a sign for the big game ... you know the ones you hang all around the school cheering on the team of the season?

Since some of the pieces are tickets for admission, I can't show the project in its entirety at this time. But just you wait. I'll showcase everything again this summer so you can see the whole she-bang.

Did you go to your high school reunion{s}? I've already heard mixed reviews. Some who will go. Some who won't. Others who are on the fence. So tell me all about your experience. I can't wait to hear. =)

For now, I MUST go to bed. Today was a non-stop kind of day {yay!} but now a little rest is in order. Sweet dreams!

TAHLEQUAH TIGERS! {Clap. Clap. Clap-Clap-Clap}

February 20, 2010

Clara French Cake Stands.

I am in love!

How very, very precious are these cake stands by Clara French? I ran across them by {happy} accident and immediately fell for them. With the rise in popularity of Dessert Buffets these little beuts should have no problems finding a new home ... right next to the Rosanna cupcake stands in my china cabinet.

February 17, 2010

Would You Like More Tea?

During the Fourteen Days of Love I shared photos from my mom's surprise birthday tea. Sitting next to the tulips was her invitation, but it was a little hard to see. Check it out below, along with the recipe card that was included for each guest to fill out and bring to the party.

(c) 2010 notably noted

(c) 2010 notably noted

February 15, 2010

fourteen days of love. 14.

My mom is a Valentine's Day baby. She is so thoughtful and always going out of her way to do kind things for others, so this year we decided to do something a little different from the traditional afternoon family lunch and gifts.The birthday girl collects tea pots and tea cups so an afternoon tea was right up her ally. We started with the invitation {you can see it below next to the vase of flowers ... I'll try to post a picture of just the invitation later} and went from there. The colors were inspired by the pink, white, red, and yellow found in spring tulips + my mom's love of paisley.
lemon cupcakes with toppers reading "happy birthday," "deniese," & "d"

lovely spring tulips {+ the invitation}

the spread

another shot of the spread: raisin scones . lemon cupcakes . red velvet cake balls . brownie pops . asparagus + ham + honey mustard + cream cheese on whole wheat . cucumber + cream cheese & mint on whole wheat . tuna sald on rye . chicken sald on whole grain rounds . tomato + basil quiche . spinach + mushroom + strawberry + almonds salad . made by yours truly + lindsay leach + justin leach

the birthday banner {but certainly not the greatest shot of it}

I didn't have the best camera in the world, so please excuse the pictures.

fourteen days of love. day 13.

13. gift wrapped presents

image found on the globe and mail website

I love wrapped packages! Absolutely love them. Gift bags get cuter all the time, but there is nothing like a beautifully wrapped present. Many wrapping paper companies are becoming more environmentally responsible as well. Some of the gift wrap we use at notably noted is 100% recycled, contains 30% post-consumer content and comes from mills that practice sustainable forestry.

What about you? Do you use gift bags or gift wrap?

fourteen days of love. day 12.

12. coordinated children's partywear

When my friend Jen's little boy turned one, she had the cutest bib and party hat for the {lil} man of the hour. I believe that presentation is everything and I love for events to coordinate just so. Your little guy or girl will feel like the star in these {precious} pieces.

These particular pieces can be found at goldenshop on etsy.

February 11, 2010

fourteen days of love. day 11.

11. spring

One of my loves earlier this week was
snow. It's snowing again today, and I am thrilled, but the flakes are tiny, and it probably won't stick. Since snows are few and far between in Oklahoma {usually}, I am getting tired of the cold days that don't have the lovely snow and am happily anticipating spring. Which brings me to my love for the day.

Summer is my favorite season, by far, but I right now, I'm loving spring. Who doesn't like spring? New beginnings. Budding trees. Birds chirping again.

I am especially excited about these fun garden totes we'll have in time for Mother's Day!
Now, I personally am not a gardener. I love the look of flower beds and flower gardens, but I don't even keep potted plants around. These precious gardening totes may be enough to inspire me, though! =)

February 10, 2010

fourteen days of love. day 10.

10. cupcake toppers

We're closing in on the last few days of love. I've mentioned the obsession with cupcakes ... and just when you thought cupcakes couldn't get any better, someone invented cupcake toppers!

image & design found at the tom kat studio

I had hoped to post pictures of the precious topppers Jen Collier used for Hudson's first birthday, but I wasn't able to get a close up shot. May I just say, so. cute.

I was in the middle of working on a set of these for an upcoming tea party when I got a phone call from another client requesting some for a graduation party. As shown above the Tom Kat Studio has created some for Valentine's Day. So let's see: tea party. graduation. Valentine's Day. bridal showers. baby showers. engagement parties. These tiny little pieces pack a big punch and are even better than the icing on the cupcake! Who thought that could be possible?

February 9, 2010

fourteen days of love. day 09.

09. Brownie Bites

I'm finally back on track with my fourteen days of love, so you will only see one note from me today. Aren't you thrilled? =)

image courtesy of the inspired bride

Cake balls and cupcakes are all the rage lately. I love them both, so it makes sense that when I stumbled across these Brownie Pops, my heart melted like the candy coated icing on these bad boys. After reading the directions, I realized that they are actually brownie balls, but Pops just sounds so much cuter, doesn't it? It's, of course, the sticks that make them "pops." Guess what ... I love those, too.

February 8, 2010

fourteen days of love. day 08.

08. snow!
For today's post, I'm stealing a "screen" out of my personal blog. What can I say? That's how much I love today's "love."
This winter we have seen more snow than we have in many years. There was the wonderful white christmas we had in December. Then a couple of weeks ago we had another beautiful snow, and I was able to capture these first three pictures.

Today, it's snowing again! I couldn't be more thrilled. It's a gorgeous snow, too. The kind with big, fat snowflakes. They're lovely. I took a few pictures today with my iPhone. The first picture below is my favorite. It's certainly not anywhere near what Jenny could do, but beautiful still. In the last three pictures I was trying to capture just how big and fluffy these flakes are ... but I don't think the phone camera did them any justice.

Happy winter!!!

fourteen days of love. day 07.

07. diamonds & denimon saturday, the junior league of tulsa hosted their decadence rocks: diamonds & denim event. i went with a couple of girlfriends, and we had such a good time. it is definitely something i am loving this moment.
the evening was filled with champagne, designer duds, and fabulous jewelry. while this was a huge event for the junior league, i love the idea of a diamonds and denim party for a bachelorette party, rehearsal dinner, or even a fun holiday cocktail party. this idea easily translates to an at-home or small venue event, and believe me, your guests will love it.

fourteen days of love. day 06.

06. hanging pom-poms

picture courtesy of marthastewartweddings.com

who doesn't love martha stewart? today's love is actually something i took from her website.
i think these DIY hanging pom-poms are fabulous. you can get the step-by-step instructions here.

she suggests using them for weddings, but i especially love them for birthday parties, showers, and girls' night in.

not a do-it-yourselfer? that's okay. we will soon be selling them on the website! in the meantime, if you want to special order them for your upcoming event, contact me at rhiannon@notablynoted.com.

fourteen days of love. day 05.

05. remote control desktop access

okay, as i type today's favorite, i have to laugh just a little bit. it's definitely travis's tech-y side rubbing off on me. i absolutely love remote control access to my desktop from anywhere in the world.
with the business, i am back and forth between tulsa a lot, plus with my family owning a pool hall and spending most of their time there, i'm away from my computer in the evenings a lot too.

since my laptop died, i do all of my designing + bookkeeping on the desktop at the house. not very portable. when i had the laptop i could bring it with me to tulsa. to the pool hall. to friends' homes. to trunk shows. just about anywhere i needed to be, i could bring the laptop.
now, i still have to go each of those places (or spend all my days locked up in the upstairs office secluded like rapunzel in her tower).

travis showed me the delightful tool that is mstscn and i able to access my desktop from any other computer. fabulous! it looks as if i am sitting at my own computer when i remote in, but i can be hundreds of miles away. a little geeky that this is one of my favorite things? sure. but it has been a lifesaver.
it's times like this i'm so grateful for technology!

February 4, 2010

fourteen days of love. day 04.

04. cupcakes.
I am definitely on the cupcake bandwagon. I love these delectible little treats and think they are perfect for almost any occasion. I'm hosting a party soon {more details on that later as it's a surprise} and will most likely have cupcakes there. I think I have to have one of these fabulous cupcake pedestals for the guest of honor ... if not several for myself!

As I mentioned in an earlier post these precious pedestals are available at Roanna Inc. {Had I not already done a post or two on Rosanna Inc before I started the fourteen days of love, I would definitely devote a day of love all to her}.

fourteen days of love. day 03.

03. custom designs.

So much of what I do is custom-designed just for you. It's so important to me that you're able to make your vision come to life, and there's not always something directly from the shelf that will do that for you.

The past few weeks, I have had a lot of fun working on two specific custom orders. The first was a set of note cards created for a baby girl who should be arriving any day. My client provided the following two pieces of fabric swatches from baby girl's bedding and asked me to create a note card using the swatches as inspiration. She also gave me a blog address that showed pictures of the baby's sweet nursery. I looked at a few of the pictures there and found this framed letter E.
Using the two swatches and the framed letter for inspiration, this is what I created:

Another order I received was for a fun graduation announcement/inviation. This is the email I received:

For the invitations, I want them to just be one side, and I was thinking you could create one of the cute graduation owls wearing a white coat and a stethescope, with a graduation hat and a 2010 tassel. Then the writing can be in {school colors} and black and say: {personal information deleted}

Based on that description, this is what I created:

Custom designs keep things fresh for me and are also challenging. Before Andrea's order, I had never drawn an owl before!

So please, believe me when I say, I want to work with you on creating a design that is exactly what you had in mind. And thanks in advance for keeping me on my toes.

fourteen days of love. day 02

Well, I started a day late on the fourteen days of love, and then yesterday I didn't have a chance to get to the computer {Imagine ... a day when I wasn't in front of the computer all day. I didn't think days like that existed!} So it looks like {if I stay on track from here on out} we will have the eleven days of love!

For paper love 02. banners

I love banners! I did one this week for a baby boy whose room is decorated with sailboats and all things nautical. The picture isn't available yet, but it was precious, if I do say so myself. The one pictured above was done for Thanksgiving of 2009. These fun signs can be done is so many shapes and sizes {squares, circles, pennants}. The one below was for a Sweet 16 {clearly} at a hotel. Due to the size of the room, a much larger square was used.

I love how versatile they are. They're great for baby showers, baby gifts, parties & celebrations, & home decor.

February 2, 2010

fourteen days of love. day 01.

my friend jen started the fourteen days of love on her family blog a few years ago. this year i decided to follow suit on my personal blog as well. as i was typing it up today, though, i thought it would be a fun activity for here as well. i'm sure my family and friends get tired of me posting paper and cards everywhere so i will try to limit my paper loves to here. =)

for love of the day 01:

i am loving recipe cards. i've been in more of a "domestic" mood lately and have enjoyed purusing the pages of southern living, martha stewart living, and even better homes and gardens and have spent time blog stalking my friends and their followers for the latest and greatest recipes.

these handy-dandy little puppies seem to be making a comeback as well. i have had so many requests for personalized recipe cards and know of two upcoming events this month where a recipe will be included in the invitation so the card may be brought as a gift for the guest of honor!

so tell me, how do you organize your favorite recipes?