August 10, 2010

where's fall when you need it?

i snapped this shot this morning before heading into the ol' office. i can't decide if it means fall, glorious fall, is just around the corner, or if our lovely trees are being cooked to a crisp by the 100+ degree temps we've been enduring for over a week.

as i type this and think of the approaching fall season, i'm reminded of a quote from one of my all-time favorite movies, one that i haven't seen in quite a while.

"don't you love {insert your city here} in the fall? it makes me wanna buy school supplies. i would send you a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils if i knew your name and address."
you've got mail
mmm, i can almost smell the spiced chai lattes and feel the crispness in the air. i can't wait! what are you most looking forward to about fall?


  1. I hate this heat, but I'm not ready for Fall yet! Where did the summer go??? I think the leaves were cooked...

  2. I am a self-professed "summer-lover." This year is just too much, though. I don't want to speed the year along so quickly that winter arrives before we know it, but this year I am *absolutely* ready for fall. If I had a summer break like students and teachers, I'm certain I wouldn't be ready for summer to end, but the idea of fall being right around the corner makes me smile and inhale deeply in anticipation.

  3. I know! I can't wait for new cashmere sweaters, soft turtlenecks, leather boots, and wool trousers.
